Startup Blog

Great Content: The Missing Ingredient in Your Conversion Optimization Plan?

Posted Mike Volpe on 8/22/11 11:00 AM

Conversion Conference - Mike Volpe SpeakerEarlier this year, my good friend and colleague Tim Ash and I collaborated on a webinar called “Optimizing Your Site for Maximum Lead Flow”. If you’re not familiar with Tim, he’s the author of the book “Landing Page Optimization” and chairs an interesting event focused exclusively on website conversion optimization called Conversion Conference.  Tim’s specialty is convincing web visitors to take action on your website, and my niche is attracting people to your website. We made a great team, because together we provided a 360-degree view of website optimization, from getting more people to find your site to getting them to complete your conversion action once they’re there.

Website Optimization Tips - Dreamforce 2010 [Video & PPT]

Posted Mike Volpe on 12/20/10 10:09 AM

I had the pleasure of presenting a session at Dreamforce this year, and I thought I would share it with you.  My portion of the presentation is about 25 minutes, and there are a variety of formats below for your viewing pleasure.

Building a Business in the Cloud - List of Tools

Posted Mike Volpe on 6/13/10 7:20 PM

Next week I am the day 2 keynote speaker at the Internet Technology Summit in Orlando where they have asked me to talk about how we have built HubSpot to 160 employees and 2,800 customers using the latest technology tools.  I am going to talk especially about how the vast majority of our company activity is conducted in the cloud, and the cultural implications of that.  I have blogged way back in January 2007 about the disruptive effects of Google Docs, and do feel that the availability of tools like these affects how you should start and build a company.

Lead Generation, Conversion, Measurement and Marketing ROI

Posted Mike Volpe on 2/24/10 10:24 AM

Earlier this week at Woot Con, in addition to the keynote presentation, I gave a presentation about Lead generation, Lead Conversion and ROI.

Inbound Marketing Keynote at W00t! Con (video & ppt slides)

Posted Mike Volpe on 2/22/10 2:15 PM

Today I had the pleasure of delivering the keynote address at W00t! Con in Bakersfield, California.  I used my new iPhone 3Gs to stream the presentation live on Qik (my old phone was just an iPhone 3G and did not do video).  You can watch the presentation in full (until my battery died during th Q&A) or just see the slides.

Great Upcoming Sales and Marketing Events

Posted Mike Volpe on 10/20/09 10:40 AM

There are some great upcoming sales and marketing events you should check out, especially if you are near any of them in person.

Quick Landing Page Tips from #sherpab2b09

Posted Mike Volpe on 9/23/09 12:42 PM

I am listening in at the Marketing Sherpa B2B Lead Generation Summit #sherpab2b09.  (HubSpot TV is live streaming the event if you want to tune in.)  Here are some notes from the landing page session run by Flint McGlaughlin from MarketingExperiments.

Dallas Inbound Marketing Summit - SEO 101 Presentation

Posted Mike Volpe on 5/27/09 12:01 PM

Here is my SEO presentation from the Inbound Marketing Summit in Dallas, including all the search engine optimization tips and tricks I covered, and information about how social media impacts search engine optimization.  There is still one more IMS in Boston - September 30 to October 1, 2009 -

Download full PPT here or view the slideshow below.


But... How do I get started with Inbound Marketing?

In addition to my presentation, there were a lot of questions about "Where can I learn this stuff?  Where is the "101" content?"  Well, a big part of what we do for marketing at HubSpot is basic education on inbound marketing.  So here are links to some intro or 101 presentations on the basics:

Finally, if you want to learn more, register for the Inbound Marketing University, a free series of online classes to train you on all the basics, there is even certification available (if you can pass the exam).

Inbound Marketing at the AMA Albany

Posted Mike Volpe on 2/12/09 10:05 AM

Today I am speaking at the Albany, NY chapter of the AMA (American Marketing Association) about inbound marketing.

For anyone interested in what I am saying, download the presentation (PPT format), or flip through the slides below.

If you saw the presentation and liked it, leave a speaking testimonial on this blog article or on my LinkedIn profile.

A favor... Seen me speak? Write a short testimonial?

Posted Mike Volpe on 1/30/09 12:50 PM

I'm looking to do more speaking this year, and part of that is showing other people that I am in fact a good speaker.  And the best way to do that short of having them watch me give a live presentation is to get other people who have seen me speak give a testimonial.

So, if you have seen me speak and liked my presentation, I am asking you to give a short testimonial.  You have 3 options:

  1. Leave a recommendation on my LinkedIn profile (preferred)
  2. Leave a comment on this blog article below
  3. Leave a wall post on my Facebook profile

I'll choose a few of the best ones to publish on this website and will link back to you as well.


For those of you looking for some useful content and want to decide if I actually am a good speaker, here is a video of a "Website Redesign Tips" presentation I gave.

Quenching My Thirst for Inbound Marketing in the Desert at the Marketing Profs Digital Mixer

Posted Mike Volpe on 10/27/08 11:54 AM

mike volpe marketing profs digital mixer

Ann Handley interviews me while we both try not to laugh. 

I had a lot of fun at the Marketing Profs Digital Mixer last week.  Similar to the Inbound Marketing Summit, they had some of the luminaries of inbound marketing talking about SEO, blogging, podcasting, video, social media, and more.  The cumulative knowledge at the event was huge and the feedback from folks I talked to was very positive.  (I think that the combination of Seth Godin and David Meerman Scott at the Inbound Marketing Summit just can't be beat as far as raw power of a speaker lineup, but hey... I'm biased!)

It was great to connect with old friends Chris Penn, Chris Brogan, Jason Baer, and host Ann Handley.  I also met lots of new folks including Frank from Comcast, CC Chapman, Rohit Bhargava,  Greg Cangialosi and Gary Vaynerchuk.  Gary V exudes a passion and energy that just can't be beat!  It was a lot of fun to see him present (you can watch the video of Gary V here).  Unlike the keynote from the day before by Arianna Huffington, who was clearly very smart but a little flat and perhaps used too many political insider jokes for the crowd, Gary V has so much passion and energy, he just can't fall flat.

Overall it was a great eventbecause of the people, especially.  But only because my personal appetite for even more sessions about inbound marketing is not too big right now since I live and breathe this stuff 24x7.  For others who lead a different life than I do, it was a solid event and worth going.  As the governator says... "I'll be back!"

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