Have you heard of Movember? It is an international foundation that raises money and awareness for men's cancers (prostate and testicular cancers).
Why the name Movember? Well, they ask volunteers to grow a moustache during November and then ask their friends to donate a little something in support. Sort of like a walk-a-thon, except you get less exercise, more insults, and it lasts a heck of a lot longer.
And, most importanly, you have this crazy new thing on your face every day for a whole month. Which is why it is great viral marketing. A cause you can't help but care about, paired with a trigger that gets people to ask you "are you growing a moustache" and then you explain to them why. I have explained Movember and Team Boston about 100 times already.
Below is a slideshow below of my current "growth". (Yes, I am currently growing more of a beard than a moustache, but honestly, I can't pull off the moustache and am also worried what the in-laws will think when I see them for Thanksgiving :) I will do only the moustache before the end of the month, at least for a day.
And, I will blog more about this later this week, but I am going to do a special webinar on SEO in 2010 to support Movember, you can pre-register here.
Again, don't forget to register for the webinar or donate.