I'm curious what people have to say about this.
Why Email Marketing and Images Don't Mix
Posted Mike Volpe on 6/23/10 12:04 PM
Email marketing is a powerful tool, when used correctly. But below is an example of not using email marketing correctly. Please, please, please, don't use large images in email. Why? Because the majority of the time, people won't see your images. Outlook and Gmail block images. Devices like Blackberries usually don't download them.

Building Your Brand With Blogging and Email Marketing - Webinar
Posted Mike Volpe on 3/18/10 4:30 PM
I had an opportunity to do a guest webinar with Greg Cangialosi from Blue Sky Factory today about "Building Your Brand With Blogging and Email Marketing". We discussed inbound marketing and outbound marketing, how email fits into inbound marketing, the importance of content in marketing today, how to create content, optimize content, promote content, as well as some conversion tips and how to use email to drive sales and as part of your blog.