Startup Blog

Lawyers Shut Down IMU?

Posted by Mike Volpe on 6/2/10 2:01 PM

EDIT: Please note that this post is associated with an Alternate Reality Game -- it is not real, it's for fun! Find out more here. We hope you will play along and solve the mystery. 


I am unable to comment on this or offer anythig besides the facts (at this time).  All of you however are able to speak freely in the comments or other places online.

Below is a letter asking us to shut down IMU, the free marketing education community.  At this time, we have complied, and shut down the website.

Here is a video Rebecca made explaining it and a link to where you might be able to help.


IMU Shutdown letter


Mike Volpe

Written by Mike Volpe

Mike Volpe is a startup advisor and angel investor based in Boston.

Topics: inbound marketing

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