Startup Blog

Cartier Goes Slumming on MySpace

Posted by Mike Volpe on 8/4/08 11:46 AM

I found this great post from Marketing Pilgrim.  I have always told people that from a marketing perspective, unless you are selling to teens, people who frequent clubs or late night parties, people in the music industry, or people who work in adult industries, MySpace is a waste of time.

I also think that there is potential to actually damage your brand if you have a big presence on MySpace and don't want to be associated with the elements of the MySpace brand.  I think Cartier is making a big mistake.  I mean, there are so many other options out there... why choose MySpace?

Mike Volpe

Written by Mike Volpe

Mike Volpe is a startup advisor and angel investor based in Boston.

Topics: social media

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